$306.907 - $1216 | 1 Pieces(Min. Order)
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FPGAKey Technical Documents
Download DatasheetUsing the second generation ASMBL (Advanced Silicon Modular Block) column-based architecture, the XC5VLX20T-3FF323I contains five distinct platforms (sub-families), the most choice offered by any FPGA family. Each platform contains a different ratio of features to address the needs of a wide variety of advanced logic designs. In addition to the most advanced, high-performance logic fabric, XC5VLX20T-3FF323I FPGAs contain many hard-IP system level blocks, including powerful 36-Kbit block RAM/FIFOs, second generation 25 x 18 DSP slices, SelectIO technology with built-in digitally-controlled impedance, ChipSync source-synchronous interface blocks, system monitor functionality,
Cross-platform compatibility
LXT, SXT, and FXT devices are footprint compatible in the same package using adjustable voltage regulators
Most advanced, high-performance, optimal-utilization, FPGA fabric
Real 6-input look-up table (LUT) technology
Dual 5-LUT option
Improved reduced-hop routing
64-bit distributed RAM option
SRL32/Dual SRL16 option
Powerful clock management tile (CMT) clocking
36-Kbit block RAM/FIFOs
High-performance parallel SelectIO technology
Advanced DSP48E slices
25 x 18, two’s complement, multiplication
Optional adder, subtracter, and accumulator
Optional pipelining
Optional bitwise logical functionality
Dedicated cascade connections
Flexible configuration options
SPI and Parallel FLASH interface
Multi-bitstream support with dedicated fallback reconfiguration logic
Auto bus width detection capability
System Monitoring capability on all devices
Artificial Intelligence
5G Technology
Cloud Computing
Consumer Electronics
Wireless Technology
Industrial Control
Internet of Things
Medical Equipment
84+ $868.2702
168+ $805.3521
336+ $679.5158
504+ $616.5976
672+ $558.713
840+ $490.7614
8400+ $460.5607
84+ $868.2702
168+ $805.3521
336+ $679.5158
504+ $616.5976
672+ $558.713
840+ $490.7614
8400+ $460.5607
84+ $1216.3259
84+ $868.2702
168+ $805.3521
336+ $679.5158
504+ $616.5976
672+ $558.713
840+ $490.7614
8400+ $460.5607
84+ $868.2702
168+ $805.3521
336+ $679.5158
504+ $616.5976
672+ $558.713
840+ $490.7614
8400+ $460.5607
84+ $1216.3259
84+ $1082.8264
84+ $306.9074
2+ $430.195
84+ $356.7271
84+ $356.7271
1+ $500.0284
1+ $379.6000
1+ $447.776
1+ $511.6500