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Download DatasheetFor readers already familiar with the XC4000 family of Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Arrays, the major new features in the XC4000 Series devices are listed in this section. The biggest advantages of XC4013E-1BG225I and XC4000X devices are significantly increased system speed, greater capacity, and new architectural features, particularly Select-RAM memory. The XC4000X devices also offer many new routing features, including special high-speed clock buffers that can be used to capture input data with minimal delay.
Any XC4013E-1BG225I device is pinout- and bitstream-compatible with the corresponding XC4000 device. An existing XC4000 bitstream can be used to program an XC4013E-1BG225I device. However, since the XC4013E-1BG225I includes many new features, an XC4013E-1BG225I bitstream cannot be loaded into an XC4000 device.
XC4000X Series devices are not bitstream-compatible with equivalent array size devices in the XC4000 or XC4013E-1BG225I families. However, equivalent array size devices, such as the XC4025, XC4025E, XC4028EX, and XC4028XL, are pinout-compatible.
XC4013E-1BG225I and XC4000X devices can run at synchronous system clock rates of up to 80 MHz, and internal performance can exceed 150 MHz. This increase in performance over the previous families stems from improvements in both device processing and system architecture. XC4000 Series devices use a sub-micron multi-layer metal process. In addition, many architectural improvements have been made, as described below.
The Xilinx FPGA XC4000E Family series XC4013E-1BG225I is Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), View Substitutes & Alternatives along with datasheets, stock, pricing from Authorized Distributors at FPGAkey.com, and you can also search for other FPGAs products.Absolute Maximum Ratings
Description UnitsVCCSupply voltage relative to Ground-0.5 to 4.0VVINInput voltage relative to Ground (Note 1)-0.5 to 5.5VVTSVoltage applied to 3-state output (Note 1)-0.5 to 5.5VVCCtLongest Supply Voltage Rise Time from 1 V to 3V50msTSTGStorage temperature (ambient)-65 to +150°CTSOLMaximum soldering temperature (10 s @ 1/16 in. = 1.5 mm)+260°CTJJunction TemperatureCeramic packages+150°CPlastic packages+125°C
Note 1: Maximum DC excursion above Vcc or below Ground must be limited to either 0.5 V or 10 mA, whichever is easier to achieve. During transitions, the device pins may undershoot to -2.0 V or overshoot toVCC +2.0 V, provided this over or undershoot lasts less than 10 ns and with the forcing current being limited to 200 mA.
Note: Stresses beyond thouse listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond thouse listed under Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability
Recommended Operating Conditions
SymbolDescriptionMinMaxUnitsVCCSupply voltage relative to Gnd, TJ = 0 °C to +85°CCommercial3.03.6VSupply voltage relative to Gnd, TJ = -40°C to +100°CIndustrial3.03.6VVIHHigh-level input voltage50% of VCC5.5MaxVVILLow-level input voltage030% of VCCVTINInput signal transition time 250ns
Notes: At junction temperatures above thouse listed above, all delay parameters increase by 0.35% per °C. Input and output measurement threshold is ~50% of VCC.
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