BLVDS is a new series of bus interface circuits based on LVDS technology, specifically designed to implement multi-point cable or backplane applications. With low-voltage differential signal of about 250mV and fast transition time. There are two types of products that can provide optimized interface devices for all bus configurations. BLVDS is developed on the basis of LVDS. Bus LVDS (BLVDS) is a new series of bus interface circuits based on LVDS technology. It is specifically used to implement multi-point cable or backplane applications. It differs from standard LVDS by providing enhanced drive current to handle the double transmission required in multipoint applications.
BLVDS has a low-voltage differential signal of about 250mV and a fast transition time. This allows the product to achieve high data transfer rates from 100 Mbps to over 1Gbps. In addition, the low voltage swing can reduce power consumption and noise to a minimum. The differential data transmission configuration provides +/-1V common-mode range of the active bus and hot-swap devices.
There are two types of BLVDS products that can provide optimized interface devices for all bus configurations. The two series are the line driver and receiver and serializer/deserializer chipsets.
BLVDS can solve many challenges in high-speed bus design. BLVDS does not require special terminal pull rails. It does not require active terminal devices, uses common power supply rails (3.3V or 5V), uses simple terminal configuration, minimizes the power consumption of the interface device, generates little noise, supports business card hot swapping and 100 Mbps The rate of driving the heavy-duty multipoint bus.
FPGA Spartan-3 Family 5M Gates 74880 Cells 630MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 676-Pin FBGA
FPGA Spartan-3 Family 5M Gates 74880 Cells 630MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 1156-Pin FBGA
FPGA Spartan-IIE Family 50K Gates 1728 Cells 357MHz 0.15um Technology 1.8V 256-Pin FTBGA
FPGA Spartan Family 5K Gates 238 Cells 166MHz 5V 84-Pin PLCC
Xilinx BGA