The command-line used for configuration step performed by Xilinx ISE
What is the use of BitGen's output files, and when will these files be generated?
.bit-(Unless the "-j" option is specified, it will always be generated)-A binary file containing proprietary header information and configuration data.
Used for input to other Xilinx tools such as PROMGen and iMPACT.
.rbt-(generated when the "-b" option is specified)-ASCII version of the ".bit" file.
.bgn-(always generated)-Contains log information for BitGen operation, including command line options, errors and warnings.
.drc-(Unless the "-d" option is specified, it will always be generated)-Contains log information for the design rule checker only, including errors and warnings.
.msk-(generated when the "-m" option is specified)-A binary file containing the same configuration commands as the ".bit" file, but with mask data in the location of the configuration data.
This data must not be used to configure the device.
If the mask bit is 0, the bit should be verified based on the bitstream data.
If the mask bit is 1, the bit should not be verified.
.ll-(generated when the "-I" option is specified)-An ASCII file that contains the capture and readback information on each node in the design.
The file contains the absolute bit position, frame address, frame offset, logic resources used and the names of components in the design in the read reflow.
.nky-(generated when the "-g Encrypt:Yes" option is specified)-An ASCII file that stores Virtex-II device key information when encryption is required.
This file can be used as the input of iMPACT for key programming.
.rba-(generated when "-g Readback" is specified)-An ASCII file containing readback commands (not configuration commands) and expected readback data in the usual location of configuration data.
This file only applies to Virtex/-E/Spartan-II/E devices.
.rbb-(generated when "-g Readback" is specified)-The same as the ".rba" file, but a binary file.
.rbd-(generated when "-g Readback" is specified)-An ASCII file containing only the expected readback data including filler words and frames.
Does not contain commands.
.msd-(generated when "-g Readback" is specified)-an ASCII file containing only mask verification information including fillers and frames
Does not contain commands.
.bin-(generated when "-g Binary:Yes" is specified) A binary file containing only configuration data (without the header included in the ".bit" file).
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