Levels of Abstraction:  Describe the level of detail of the style, such as behavior level and door level. Verilog is both a behavior description language and a structure description language. The Verilog model can be different levels of abstraction of the actual circuit.
FPGA Spartan-3A Family 700K Gates 13248 Cells 770MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 400-Pin FBGA
FPGA Virtex-II Family 1M Gates 11520 Cells 750MHz 0.15um Technology 1.5V 896-Pin FCBGA
FPGA Virtex-II Family 1M Gates 11520 Cells 820MHz 0.15um Technology 1.5V 896-Pin FCBGA
FPGA Spartan-3A Family 700K Gates 13248 Cells 770MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 400-Pin FBGA
FPGA Spartan-3AN Family 700K Gates 13248 Cells 770MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V Automotive Medical 484-Pin FBGA