Transistor transmission logic. It is a digital circuit containing bipolar transistors connected in a certain way. TTL logic has been widely used since the early days of digital circuits. The TTL mark can appear on the input or output ports of different devices. It is used to indicate that it is a digital circuit rather than an analog circuit.
FPGA Spartan-3A Family 50K Gates 1584 Cells 667MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 144-Pin TQFP
FPGA Spartan-3A Family 50K Gates 1584 Cells 770MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 144-Pin TQFP
Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays
FPGA XC5200 Family 23K Gates 1936 Cells 83MHz 0.5um Technology 5V 208-Pin HSPQFP EP
FPGA XC5200 Family 23K Gates 1936 Cells 83MHz 0.5um Technology 5V 160-Pin PQFP