The basic material used in the chip, its atomic structure and availability make it an ideal semiconductor material. At the time of chip manufacturing, it is first extracted from white quartz stone and then purified through a chemical process at high temperature in order to change its electrical properties. Characteristics Mix (mix) with other chemicals in the melted state.
CPLD CoolRunner -II Family 12K Gates 512 Macro Cells 128MHz 0.18um Technology 1.8V 324-Pin FBGA
FPGA XC5200 Family 23K Gates 1936 Cells 83MHz 0.5um Technology 5V 208-Pin HSPQFP EP
FPGA Spartan-3 Family 50K Gates 1728 Cells 725MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 132-Pin CSBGA
FPGA Spartan-3 Family 50K Gates 1728 Cells 725MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 100-Pin VTQFP
FPGA Spartan-3A Family 50K Gates 1584 Cells 667MHz 90nm Technology 1.2V 144-Pin TQFP