Relative position constraint, RLOC is used to put some logic elements together to reduce the routing delay in the design. By placing the logic closer together, it will not allow the place and route. This step separates any logic that belongs together. This is established RPM means that a piece of logic is placed in a position opposite to another piece of logic.It is not hard placed on the chip.
Used to group logic elements together to reduce routing delays in the design. Logic elements with RLOC can be moved but must maintain the same relative placement. This prevents450 Glossary of key terms routing delays appearing between the elements. RLOCs are used to create (relatively placed macros (RPMs).
CPLD CoolRunner -II Family 9K Gates 384 Macro Cells 125MHz 0.18um Technology 1.8V 144-Pin TQFP
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CPLD CoolRunner -II Family 12K Gates 512 Macro Cells 128MHz 0.18um Technology 1.8V 256-Pin FTBGA
FPGA XC5200 Family 23K Gates 1936 Cells 83MHz 0.5um Technology 5V 208-Pin HSPQFP EP