The gap between Java and C language, who has the advantage
Java has many advantages in its own design, developers do not need too much memory management.
Date: Jul 07, 2020
Change the design of digital hardware to achieve real engineering
Using SpinalHDL is an experience that changes the vision of digital hardware design and achieves real engineering. With all its features, it allows chip designers to describe elegant and reusable hardware.
Date: Jul 07, 2020
HX711 is a 24-bit A/D converter chip designed for high-precision electronic scales. From this article, you will get more information about it.
Date: Jul 07, 2020
vhdl button control nixie tube display
VHDL has functions such as generic description statements and subprogram calls. For the completed design source program, the scale and structure of the design can be changed by modifying the generic parameter tables and functions.
Date: Jul 07, 2020
VHDL Realization of UART 16 Times Frequency Sampling
After analyzing the code, it is found that the 3× frequency sampling method does not have any anti-interference processing in detecting the start bit of asynchronous data.
Date: Jul 07, 2020
Structure Analysis and Application of Simple Microcomputer Based on FPGA and VHDL
From this article, you will get more information about Structure Analysis and Application of Simple Microcomputer Based on FPGA and VHDL, so you can't miss it.
Date: Jul 07, 2020
What does the source code mean?
Open source refers to a software release model. General software can only obtain binary executable files that have been compiled, and usually only the author or copyright owner of the software owns the original code of the program.
Date: Jul 01, 2020
Typical representative of hardware description language HDL
HDL and C/C++ languages have their own use in the implementation process and system level of the design process.
Date: Jul 01, 2020