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FPGAKey Technical Documents
Download DatasheetThe ispGDXV/VA architecture provides a family of fast, flexible programmable devices to address a variety of system-level digital signal routing and interface requirements including:
• Wide Data and Address Bus Multiplexing (e.g. 16:1 High-Speed Bus MUX)
• Programmable Control Signal Routing (e.g. Interrupts, DMAREQs, etc.)
• Board-Level PCB Signal Routing for Prototyping or Programmable Bus Interfaces
The devices feature fast operation, with input-to-output signal delays (Tpd) of 3.5ns and clock-to-output delays of 3.5ns.
The architecture of the devices consists of a series of programmable I/O cells interconnected by a Global Routing Pool (GRP). All I/O pin inputs enter the GRP directly or are registered or latched so they can be routed to the required I/O outputs. I/O pin inputs are defined as four sets (A,B,C,D) which have access to the four MUX inputs found in each I/O cell. Each output has individual, programmable I/O tri-state control (OE), output latch clock (CLK), clock enable (CLKEN), and two multiplexer control (MUX0 and MUX1) inputs. Polarity for these signals is programmable for each I/O cell. The MUX0 and MUX1 inputs control a fast 4:1 MUX, allowing dynamic selection of up to four signal sources for a given output. A wider 16:1 MUX can be implemented with the MUX expander feature of each I/O and a propagation delay increase of 2.0ns. OE, CLK, CLKEN, and MUX0 and MUX1 inputs can be driven directly from selected sets of I/O pins. Optional dedicated clock input pins give minimum clockto-output delays. CLK and CLKEN share the same set of I/O pins. CLKEN disables the register clock when CLKEN = 0.
— Advanced Architecture Addresses Programmable PCB Interconnect, Bus Interface Integration and Jumper/Switch Replacement
— “Any Input to Any Output” Routing
— Fixed HIGH or LOW Output Option for Jumper/DIP Switch Emulation
— Space-Saving PQFP and BGA Packaging
— Dedicated IEEE 1149.1-Compliant Boundary Scan Test
— 3.3V Core Power Supply
— 3.5ns Input-to-Output/3.5ns Clock-to-Output Delay*
— 250MHz Maximum Clock Frequency*
— TTL/3.3V/2.5V Compatible Input Thresholds and Output Levels (Individually Programmable)*
— Low-Power: 16.5mA Quiescent Icc*
— 24mA IOL Drive with Programmable Slew Rate Control Option
— PCI Compatible Drive Capability*
1+ $48.5732
10+ $43.461
50+ $41.2788
100+ $23.5923
500+ $20.6471
1000+ $16.5115
2500+ $15.8859
5000+ $15.2907
10000+ $14.7566
1+ $49.9009
10+ $44.9108
50+ $29.9405
100+ $22.463
500+ $17.9612
1000+ $16.0385
1+ $42.181
10+ $37.7416
50+ $35.8466
100+ $20.4875
500+ $17.9299
1000+ $14.3386
2500+ $13.7953
5000+ $13.2785
10000+ $12.8146
1+ $43.3339
10+ $39.0005
50+ $26.0003
100+ $19.5069
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10+ $38.5533
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50+ $35.8466
100+ $20.4875
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2500+ $13.7953
5000+ $13.2785
10000+ $12.8146
10+ $39.0005
50+ $26.0003
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