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computer architecture a quantitative approach 6th

Document Type: Books

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Download Count: 220

Published time: 2020.06.30


computer architecture a quantitative approach 6th 1.png

Throughsixeditions ofthis book,ourgoalhasbeentodescribethebasic principles underlying what will be tomorrow’s technological developments. Our excitement about the opportunities in computer architecture has not abated, and we echo whatwe said about the field in the first edition: “It is not a dreary science of paper machines that will never work. No! It’s a discipline of keen intellectual interest, requiring the balance of marketplace forces to cost-performance-power, leading to glorious failures and some notable successes.”

Our primary objective in writing our first book was to change the way people learn and think about computer architecture. We feel this goal is still valid and important. The field is changing daily and must be studied with real examples and measurements on real computers, rather than simply as a collection of definitions and designs that will never need to be realized. We offer an enthusiastic welcome to anyone who came along with us in the past, as well as to those who are joining us now. Either way, we can promise the same quantitative approach to, and analysis of, real systems.

As with earlier versions, we have strived to produce a new edition that will continue to be as relevant for professional engineers and architects as it is for those involved in advanced computer architecture and design courses. Like the first edition,this editionhas a sharp focus on new platforms personal mobile devices and warehouse scale computers and new architectures specifically, domain specific architectures. As much as its predecessors, this edition aims to demystify computer architecture through an emphasis on cost-performance-energy trade offs and good engineering design. We believe that the field has continued to mature and move toward the rigorous quantitative foundation of long established scientific and engineering disciplines.

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