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Home > FPGA Familis > Altera Arria V GX SOC


Altera Arria V GX SOC

Arria V GX SOC

FPGA with integrated 6.5536 Gbps transceivers that provides bandwidth, cost, and power levels that are optimized for high-volume data and signal-processing applications

 Maximum Resource Counts for Arria V GX Devices:

Package Plan for Arria V GX Devices:

Arria V devices are offered in commercial and industrial grades. Commercial devices are offered in –C4 (fastest), –C5, and – C6 speed grades. Industrial grade devices are offered in the –I3 and –I5 speed grades.
Sample Ordering Code and Available Options for Arria V GX Devices:

Arria V GX SOC Devices

Arria V GX SOC Documents

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