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Home > FPGA Familis > Actel IGLOO2 FPGA and SmartFusion2 SoC


Actel IGLOO2 FPGA and SmartFusion2 SoC

IGLOO2 FPGA and SmartFusion2 SoC

The IGLOO2 FPGA family provides a 4-input look-up table (LUT) based fabric, 5G transceivers, high-speed general purpose I/O (GPIO), block RAM and digital signal processing (DSP) blocks in a differentiated, cost- and power-optimized architecture. 



This next-generation IGLOO2 FPGA architecture offers up to 5x more logic density and 3x more fabric performance than its predecessors and combines a non-volatile flash-based fabric with the highest number of GPIO, 5G serialization/deserialization (SERDES) interfaces and PCI Express  (PCIe  ) endpoints when compared to other products in its class.


IGLOO2 FPGA and SmartFusion2 SoC Devices

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